Where I’m From is poem by George Ella Lyon that has become a popular poem to mimic. I’ve done this exercise before, so I thought it would be fun to give it another go.

The title is pretty self explanatory–write a poem (or in whatever form you want) about where you’re from. (Here’s more about it.) Let me know if you try it out!

Where I’m From
By Zarah Parker

I am from chipped
blue paint that hid behind
a misbegotten garden
and a porch with a sliding door,
that was only ever locked by
a rod slid in the crack between
the wall and glass.

I am from three bedrooms,
and six bodies piled in a living
room, and late night static TV.
I am from my hand on an antenna
and father telling me to move it left.

I am from tall oak trees rooted
in a grassless sea.
I am from a Saturday of digging
up dirt, filling it with water,
and swimming in a muddy river,

I am from Sunday dresses
with chocolate mints hidden
in the ribbon, and singing hymns
between my mother and father,
and wondering if they prayed.
I am from sweet sugar on
a donut after Amen.

I am from chilly bowl haircuts
and bottle coke glasses.
I am from laundry piled
like a mountain–like the dishes
in the sink.

I am from a nickel
for gum, and ice cream
for a dollar.