Something I do…even though I shouldn’t.

At times I’m scatterbrained while writing. I’m not sure if this paragraph should go here or there, I’m just trying to get it on the page.

So I do what I call blind writing. I’m focusing on one sentence at a time, knowing it flows from the previous, but I don’t pay attention to the whole. You could say I’m blind to it…

I do this at work sometimes. I write for a local community paper and at times the article I’m working on just doesn’t want to happen. But I have a deadline (usually fast approaching) and I’ve got to get it done.

So, I kind turn off my inner critic and just write one paragraph at a time, filling the information and quotes in as I go. But by the time I’m at the conclusion, I have no clue if it’s a coherent piece.

It usually is. Sometimes I’ll rearrange a few things, but that’s normal with any editing.

But I’ve probably just confused you.

Blind Writing: when you’re blind to the whole–writing in the moment.

I do think it’s a bad habit to pick up, (I’ve written about how you should pay attention while writing), but sometimes it’s good when you just need words on a page. It helps you to stop over thinking, overanalyzing. You’re simply in the moment writing words.